Welcome! This site is written for Social Security disability claimants, for their legal representatives, and for the network of people involved in the Social Security disability claim process. I hope you find it helpful.
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Here in Maine and New Hampshire, where I attend Social Security disability hearings with administrative law judges, the hearing offices have caught up. Hearings are being scheduled promptly, with 75+ days notice, after the hearing request is processed. Many years ago, when I started handling these cases, the hearing offices had a large backlog of

I recently had a disability case with a judge from the Albany hearing office. That judge sends out a letter 30 days before a scheduled hearing setting his expectations for evidence at the hearing. I really liked the letter. It is not standard practice for most judges to send a prehearing letter like this, at

A hearing with an administrative law judge (ALJ) to determine medical eligibility for Social Security disability benefits usually follows a pattern: opening remarks by the judge and then the claimant’s lawyer, the claimant’s testimony, and then testimony of a vocational witness regarding the claimant’s past relevant work, and whether or not various functional limitations would

At the recent NOSSCR Conference, I attended an excellent presentation by Ohio disability attorney Scott F. Smith on winning cases for Social Security disability. One of the topics covered was a pre-hearing brief for the administrative law judge. Mr. Smith listed several goals accomplished by writing a brief:

Drafting a brief is an endeavor that

At the close of a hearing, sometimes post-hearing argument is needed. Social Security’s rules allow for oral and/or written post-hearing argument, upon request. See HALLEX section I-2-6-76.

I prefer to submit a post-hearing brief, rather than make a statement at the close of the hearing. I think a brief has far more impact.

I had a hearing for a client who has been unable to work due to the symptoms of long-haul COVID, sometimes also referred to a postviral fatigue syndrome (PVFS).

My main challenge as a Representative has been to make sure Social Security recognizes that long-haul COVID cases are not like other cases. An appropriate RFC