A person’s mental health is often the basis of a disability claim. That person’s past relevant work (PRW) is often precluded by their mental health symptoms at Step 4 of the Social Security’s sequential evaluation. Frequently assessed functional limitations due to mental health symptoms, such as a limitations to “simple tasks” or

Gordon Gates
Gordon Gates specializes in Social Security disability law, and he handles claims at every level of the Social Security disability claim process. He assists clients with initial applications for disability benefits, with appeals of denied claims, and with hearings by an administrative law judge.
Gordon has successfully appealed unfavorable administrative law judge decisions the Social Security Appeals Council and to U.S. District Court (District of Maine) to have those claims remanded for new hearings.
Gordon attended Maine Maritime Academy and Tulane University Law School. At Tulane, he served as Senior Articles Editor of the Tulane Law Review and graduated magna cum laude. He was admitted to practice law in Maine in 1991. Since 2005, he has concentrated his law practice on Social Security disability and SSI cases.
Gordon is the publisher of Social Security Disability Lawyer, a nationally-read legal blog. He presented at the Fall 2010 conference of National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives (NOSSCR) on the topic of Writing Hearing Briefs for the ALJ.
Video (and telephone) hearings are now the most prevalent
I had an in-person hearing at the Portland Hearing office last week, on September 10th. When I signed in, I noticed that no one had signed in to the hearing office since August 22nd, 3 weeks before. Sign-ins before that were similarly sparse.
The hearing offices used to have busy public spaces. Back in the…
The effect of a limitation to “simple tasks” on skilled work
One of the most frequent limitations assessed by Social Security due to a claimant’s mental health symptoms is a limitation to simple tasks. That limitation alone is not disabling, by any means. But it can have a significant effect on a disability claim when combined with physical limitations. For claimants over the age of…
Recent denial based upon outdated PRW
I just signed up a new client who was initially denied disability benefits at step 4 of the sequential evaluation, based upon a job he last performed in 2016.
It is often an issue in a disability claim when a claimant with physical impairments has PRW at the sedentary exertional level, because that work…
Unsuccessful work attempt
If you have worked at the SGA level at any time since the alleged onset date of your Social Security disability claim, it can be problematic for your claim. You must have (or expect to have) a 12-month period of disability to qualify for Social Security disability (or have a condition which is expected to…
Factors not considered at Step 4 of the Sequential Evaluation
Social Security uses a 5-step sequential evaluation to determine disability. Step 4 comprises your ability to perform your past relevant work (PRW), both as actually performed by you, and as generally performed in the national economy.
There are a number of factors that are not considered at step 4. POMS DI 25005.001C. states:
Past Relevant Work Overview
In view of the seismic rule change reducing the past relevant work period to 5 years, and new Ruling 24-2p, it is a good time to review the various issues involved with past relevant work (PRW).
At Step 4 of Social Security’s sequential evaluation, the SSA considers your ability to perform your past relevant…
OTR Request based on new PRW Rule
If you have a claimant awaiting at the hearing level who was denied benefits by DDS at Step 4 due to the ability to perform a past job, and that job was last performed more than 5 years ago, that job no longer counts as PRW.
Take a look at the case to see if…
ERE Status Report Updated
In January, Social Security added claims at Initial and Reconsideration to its status report in Electronic Records Express (ERE). After 5 months using this additional feature, I have found it to be hugely helpful. It is a marked improvement for those of us managing Social Security disability claims.
Social Security has now added more data…
SSA issues two new Emergency Messages regarding certain occupations at Step 5
Social Security released EM-24026, entitled: Isolated Occupations We Will Not Use to Support a “Not Disabled” Finding at Step Five of the Sequential Evaluation Process and EM-24027, entitled: Guidance Regarding the Citation of Certain Occupations at Step Five of the Sequential Evaluation Process.
These two Emergency Messages are steps toward addressing the outdated…