Welcome! This site is written for Social Security disability claimants, for their legal representatives, and for the network of people involved in the Social Security disability claim process. I hope you find it helpful.
Free Claim Review

I had a Social Security disability hearing with an administrative law judge at the Manchester, New Hampshire ODAR recently. I prepared a hearing memorandum for the judge, as is my practice.

The judge acknowledged my hearing memorandum, and said "I wish more of your colleagues would prepare them."

A hearing memorandum is not required at the Manchester ODAR, but you should submit one

My clients often have questions about the disability claim process. So here is a description of the claim process in Maine and New Hampshire from start to finish.

A Social Security disability claim may be filed in person at the nearest Social Security office, online, or by telephone. The location of every Social Security office in Maine is here (the same information for New Hampshire is here). Continue Reading Social Security Disability Claims Process