Almost all the hospital groups now have patient portals, which give patients online access to their medical records, test results, upcoming appointments, and more.
When developing a disability claim, I find that I am asking clients more and more frequently to provide me with the user name and password for their patient portal account. It may seem like an invasion of privacy, but I am already seeing their medical records, so it is no different. This just allows me instant access to them.
Access to the patient portal helps in several situations:
Sometimes you need a record fast. If you have a hearing coming up and the client had an recent medical visit or test, you can get it instantly, rather than ordering the record and hoping that it arrives in time. Similarly, at Reconsideration, you can submit a record quickly, to make sure it is considered during the medical review of the claim.
You can make sure the record is complete. Sometimes Social Security has ordered “all” records, but there are things missing. You can fill in the gaps via the patient portal.
Sometimes the claimant forgets to tell you about a relevant medical condition, or a visit to a specialist, or a test. The patient portal will tell you.
Consider asking you client’s about access to their patient portals.