Welcome! This site is written for Social Security disability claimants, for their legal representatives, and for the network of people involved in the Social Security disability claim process. I hope you find it helpful.
Free Claim Review

For those who are enrolled in Social Security's online Representative Services, you have instant access to the ALJ's decision, on the day the decision is made and the case is closed.

Once you see on your hearing office status report that a particular case has been closed, access that claimant's electronic folder online. The ALJ's decison is not included on the exhibit list, which is the default screen for the electronic folder. But if you click on the "case documents" tab (on the top left corner, as shown above), the ALJ decision will be right there in the "A" section. You can select the decision, download it, and send it off to your client by email.

For those who are anxious about the result of their disability hearing, which is pretty much everybody, it is wonderful to obtain the actual judge's decision in near real time, rather than ten days later in the mail.


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