Welcome! This site is written for Social Security disability claimants, for their legal representatives, and for the network of people involved in the Social Security disability claim process. I hope you find it helpful.
Free Claim Review

In the Boston region, we receive 75-day notice of hearings, but all evidence to be considered by the ALJ needs to be submitted 5 days ahead of the hearing. See 20 CFR 405.331(a).

The 5-day rule is permissive ("the administrative law judge may decline to accept the evidence"), and often is not enforced. But if you show up at the hearing with new evidence, you are taking a risk. Your claim-winning medical source statement may not be admitted into the record. There are exceptions to the rule, so if you have late evidence, have your story ready for the judge.

Sometimes a claims fall off the DSI/electronic-file track for some reason, and the disability claim file is an old-style paper file. For these cases, the "normal" rules apply, and there is not 5-day limit for new evidence. Regardless, it is a best practice to submit evidence into the record as soon as possible.