Welcome! This site is written for Social Security disability claimants, for their legal representatives, and for the network of people involved in the Social Security disability claim process. I hope you find it helpful.
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We are taking the first ten days in July to list ten top reasons to write a hearing brief. Look for a reason a day through the 10th of July.

Reason #2   Be More Prepared for the Hearing

There is no doubt about this one. Writing a good pre-prehearing memorandum makes you better prepared for the hearing. It forces you to go through the entire record and put everything in context. Furthermore, you can refer to your brief at the hearing. Need the exhibit and page number for that 2nd MRI when the judge asks about it? It's in the brief.

A hearing memorandum should be written for every Social Security disability hearing, and submitted well in advance of the the hearing. The list of best practices for claimants' representatives includes a request for concise pre-hearing briefs.

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