This site is intended to be a resource for those looking for help with Social Security disability and SSI claims. As the site has grown, it has become more difficult to find that particular post on the exact topic your are researching. So I have added a search box to the sidebar. Please give it a try!
Just below the search box, there are several links to Important Topics. These links include subjects like the sequential evaluation process and about attorney fees, that are relevant to every Social Security disability claim. This section also contains a link to this site's disclaimer, as well as how to contact me or ask for a free claim evaluation.
Located farther down on the sidebar, there is a list of categories for previous articles. If there is a particular subject that is important for your claim, just click on that category to view articles on that topic.
If, after all that, you haven't found anything on the topic you were looking for, please feel free to leave a comment on this post, or send me an email with a question.
Lastly, to keep up with the latest articles from this site, you can subscribe to the feed. You can receive updates automatically through your web-based news reader or by email, whichever you prefer.