Welcome! This site is written for Social Security disability claimants, for their legal representatives, and for the network of people involved in the Social Security disability claim process. I hope you find it helpful.
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An ALJ decison regarding TItle II disability usually contains a sentence like this:

The claimant’s earnings record shows that the claimant has acquired sufficient quarters of coverage to remain insured through December 31, 2024.

A successful disability claimant may read that sentence and think that it means that the Social Security disability benefits will terminate on December 31, 2024. But that is not what the sentence means at all.

This language in the decision simply refers to the date last insured, which is the date by which disability must exist to qualify for disability benefits under Social Security’s rules. The date has nothing to do with continuity of benefits once a claim is granted. Do not worry if you see this language in your fully favorable ALJ decision.

If you receive a fully favorable ALJ decision, your disability benefits will continue until you get better, or return to work at the SGA level, or reach retirement age, or die.