Welcome! This site is written for Social Security disability claimants, for their legal representatives, and for the network of people involved in the Social Security disability claim process. I hope you find it helpful.
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I am not the only lawyer producing content about Social Security disability law. Here is a list of recent notable posts regarding Social Security disability claims:

Jonathan Ginsberg, Being Prepared for Your Social Security Disability Telephone Hearing (December 10, 2021)(video)

Morgan H. Zavadil, Social Security Disability Hearing: Past Work Inquiry And Importance, Midwest Disability (December 1, 2021)

Neil Good, Guidelines for Answering a Social Security Function Report, Good Law Group Blog (October 20, 2021)

Lawrence Rohlfing, Sedentary, Simple Repetitive Tasks Equals No Significant Work, California Social Security Attorney (October 16, 2021)

John L. Keefe, What To Look For In Your Social Security Disability Denial Letter, Keefe Disability Law Blog