Welcome! This site is written for Social Security disability claimants, for their legal representatives, and for the network of people involved in the Social Security disability claim process. I hope you find it helpful.
Free Claim Review

I have had several claims granted recently at the initial level. These claims were determined quickly and favorably because (in my opinion) an attorney was involved very early in the claim process.

Fees tend to be much lower for these claims. A contingency fee is charged based upon the past due benefits, and the sooner the claim is granted, the lower the amount of past due benefits. In one of my recent claims, there were no past due benefits at all, since the claim was granted within the 5-month waiting period. I charge no fee at all to these clients.

If you are over 55, it is critically important to have an attorney involved at the beginning of the claim process, so that your vocational history is properly described. Remember, the SSA evaluates claims on a medical vocational basis, so your work history can be as important as your current medical condition. 


Get help from a lawyer with your disability claim 

If you are considering an application for Social Security disability benefits, or have already applied and want assistance with your claim, please contact Gordon Gates for a free consultation.