Welcome! This site is written for Social Security disability claimants, for their legal representatives, and for the network of people involved in the Social Security disability claim process. I hope you find it helpful.
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My 4-year “blogiversary” came and went earlier this month, and I have been thinking about the profound difference this professional blog has made to my life over the past four years.

Back when I started in 2008, I learned the blogging ropes from Kevin O’Keefe, the lawyer-CEO of Lexblog. Kevin recognized early the potential of blogging for lawyers. I did pretty much everything he suggested on his website, and spent hours learning about RSS feeds, customizing the blog, using Twitter to amplify my presence on the web, and writing posts that provide information and help to solve problems for potential clients.

Here is what Kevin is saying these days about blogging by lawyers:

Kudos to the American lawyers and lawyers from around the world who have harnessed the power of blogging.

  • To advance the law by offering their insight and commentary in an open source collaborative fashion.
  • To help others, whether in-house counsel, executives, consumers, or small business people, by freely sharing legal information and insight.
  • To improve their own station in life and that of their families by becoming a better lawyer through analytical reading and writing which blogging requires. Better lawyers do get better work from better clients.

It’s disappointing that some lawyers have latched onto blogging as a marketing and SEO gimmick. Some going so far as to even have marketing companies write blog content on the lawyer’s behalf.

This blog is written by me, and provides a real look into my practice and Social Security disability law. Readers can infer my commitment to my clients, and my strong belief in the importance of obtaining Social Security disability benefits for them. 

I continue to hear from Social Security disability claimants and lawyers from around the country that have been helped by the information published in the blog. My Google analytics tells me that readers in all 50 states visit the site each month.

I am proud of the result of my efforts. So somewhat belatedly, Happy Blogiversary. And as always, thank you for reading.