Welcome! This site is written for Social Security disability claimants, for their legal representatives, and for the network of people involved in the Social Security disability claim process. I hope you find it helpful.
Free Claim Review

It is the time of year for New Year's resolutions. I have made a few for next year.

If you have a disability claim pending with the Social Security Administration, please make the following New Year's resolution: I will appeal my claim immediately if it is denied.

I speak with people frequently who did not appeal a denied claim within 60 days, and then must start over by reapplying for Social Security disability benefits. Although you have 60 days to appeal a denied claim, there is no reason to wait to appeal.

Remember, Social Security disability is an insurance program, not a government welfare program. You have paid an insurance premium, through the FICA taxes withheld from your wages, for disability coverage. If you cannot work, you should pursue the disability benefits that you have earned.

If you received a letter denying your disability benefits at the initial or reconsideration level, it is a good time to talk with a disability lawyer. But please be sure to appeal that denial right away. Make it a resolution.