Every two weeks, I publish a collection of links to recent notable posts from the Social Security disability blogs:
- 75-Day Hearing Notice Should be Nationwide from the Social Security Disability Lawyer blog published by Gordon Gates
- Social Security hearing: should I bring notes? from the Colorado Social Security Law blog published by the Stasiuk Firm PC
- The Outcome of Your Social Security Disability Claim Often Depends on the Personality of the ALJ Who Decides Your Case from the New York Social Security Disability Lawyer Blog published by Insler & Hermann LLP
- Where you Live Matters for Your SSI Benefits by the Gallon Law Blog published by Gallon, Takacs, Boissoneault and Schaffer Co., L.P.A
- Schizophrenia And Social Security and High Reversing ALJ Draws WSJ Attention from Social Security News published by Charles Hall
Photo: Bridget climbing the stairs